What Is Coaching?


Coaching is distinct from counselling or consulting as it solely focuses on the resources and choices of the person being coached.
Coaching is a process that focuses on the here and now rather than the past.
This approach encourages individuals to develop greater behavioural flexibility and take full responsibility for their growth and success.
It allows them to make better choices and improves their decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Imagine coaching to be a tree with many branches, broadly split into at-work and outside-work coaching, with some overlap.
For example, professional goals may overlap with personal goals.
Team coaching is a type of group coaching that brings out the best in team members.
It is designed to improve teamwork and collaboration within a team.

Executive coaching is perfect for business owners and those who set the vision and goals for an organisation.
It helps them refine their skills and develop strategies for making the most difficult decisions.

Leadership development coaching is for anyone who leads or manages a team or wants to get promoted.
It is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their communication skills and manage conflicts effectively.

Performance coaching is ideal for those who want to be more efficient or meet specific job objectives.
It is ideal for those who want to enhance their performance and productivity to meet specific job objectives.

Sales coaching is excellent for those in sales positions or who want to increase revenue.
It helps in developing sales strategies, improving communication within teams, management skills, among others.

Business coaching helps leaders build a strategy for organisational growth, making it ideal for those navigating organisational transitions or changes.It provides them with the guidance and support needed to achieve their goals.

Success and career coaching are great for high-potential individuals at any career stage looking to go to the next level.
Both are effective in enabling people to find their purpose and take concrete steps toward achieving their goals.

Intuitive coaching can help individuals release past blockages and manifest their desired outcomes, while life coaching is about making progress and finding greater fulfilment in life.

 Finally, transformational coaching challenges old thought patterns and can help individuals find greater clarity, purpose, and passion.

Regardless of the type of coaching, it is important to find a coach who is certified, experienced, and a good fit for your needs.